Friday, 19 July 2013

Budgie Lady.

Mandy comes to The Gate to hang out with her mates and to do Video Drama* and art here but her favourite thing at The Gate is police training where we help the police understand what people with learning disabilities are like. She is very kind and friendly and likes to cheer her mates up if they are down. Mandy's favourite drink is coke and she also likes to smoke cigarettes because she says they calm her down. She has a boyfriend called Darren, a cat called Elvis and a budgie called Pepper - she loves them all a lot.

Mandy with her boyfriend Darren.
But that is when she's not a Superhero but when she sees an evil person from ATOS who is going to take away a persons benefits she turns into her pet budgie and drops poo bombs on them. Mandy does not like ATOS at all because they upset her all the time and make her worry.

Art by Clare. Writings by Clare, Mary and Darren.

Next up; Lee is...

*Mandy in an episode of Video Drama that was all her idea.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Fart Machine.

 Wayne is a really friendly guy who is always smiling, he likes hugs and talking about his holiday and he really likes sugar even though he isn't allowed it. Wayne is very good at painting and does big splash paintings on the wall, he is also very good at music and plays the congas, keyboards and he sings his song about his holidays. Another thing Wayne is good at is cleaning, he doesn't like dirt so if he sees something on the floor he has to clean it up even if he is supposed to be playing keyboards.
But that's when he's not a superhero, when he is a superhero he is called Fart Machine because he farts quite a bit. He doesn't really have any enemies to use his powers on because he is too nice to have enemies but he does use his farting if he needs to empty a room so he's a very useful guy to have around.

Art by Clare. Writings by Clare, Mary and Mandy.

Next up; Mandy is...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Smoke Man.

Peter Kemp is 69 and he is the narrator for Video Drama, writes reviews of records and does music here at The Gate. He is a happy guy with no teeth who is generous and everybody likes him and he always shares his chips at lunch time.
But that's Peter when not being a Superhero and when he is a Superhero he is called Smoke Man and he has special powers where he smokes load of fags and has Supercoughs where he coughs on the bad guys and they die. Peter's main enemy is David Cameron because David Cameron makes disabled people go to ATOS and fill out a load of forms so he can take their benefits off them.  
Art by Clare. Writings by Mandy & Mary.
 Next Week: Wayne is...